Raritysdiamonds Fandoms: Cuphead (Video Game) Language: English Words: 25,390 Chapters: 11/? Comments: 47 Kudos: 253 Bookmarks: 13 Hits: 6,505 King Dice, in a moment of humanity, takes pity on Cuphead and offers to have him sleep with him instead, knowing the Devil or the other patrons would not nearly be as merciful. Now, since Cuphead has never had sex before, and Elder Kettle never bothered to teach the boys about the birds and the bees, he's understandably terrified. Instead of having them collect contracts, the Devil basically makes Cuphead a sex slave, since, you know, he was the one to make the bet, holding Mugman as collateral if he refuses. Request: (gentleness slow build praise kink). Only one non-con scene but it isn’t graphic.GayBaeShipping Fandoms: Cuphead (Video Game)